When you double-click the Unarchiver icon, a box will pop up asking where you’d like the RAR files to be extracted to.Just open the.rar file with two clicks.Utilize The Unarchiver to decompress the RAR file. If it doesn’t open automatically, right-click the file, select Open With, and then select The Unarchiver. The Unarchiver should appear as a symbol in your RAR file.In The Unarchiver, select the desired Extraction settings. When you open a RAR file, an additional folder will be formed to change how this folder is handled, click the Extraction tab.The most popular options have been chosen for you.Choose RAR compression format. When you launch The Unarchiver, a menu will go up asking you to specify what kinds of files you’d like it to decompress. When the download is complete, the app will ask you to launch it.Download The Unarchiver from the App Store.You can open The Unarchiver and select which type of files are opened with the app and change the default extraction location.rar file you want to extract, right click (or command+click) and then select the Unarchiver from the “open with” option. This is available for download through the Mac Appstore or through their website for free. rar file extraction program as the functionality of extracting. rar format will be seen less and less, however in the meantime you will want to be able to open on your Mac the files that you receive that have been compressed using rar compression technology. rar file format.rar file compression is often used for a collection of files or large files that need to be split up into a number of smaller files to make sending over the internet easier.Īs the internet speeds available to users continues to increase, the need for files saved in a.

While there are a number of different compression options available to computer users, one that is used more and more often on PCs and Linux and not as much on Macs is the.